A month has flown by since coming back from India
帰った時 「体が変わりましたか?」 「インドでヨガをして何が違いましたか?」 よく聞かれたんですけどその時うまく答えられませんでした。1ヶ月たってみて。。。
When I cam back, people asked if my practice had changed, and what was different about practising in India. At that time I wasn't able to answer well, a month has passed and I began to notice...
インドがヨガの生誕の地ですから練習は、、、、何かもっとリアルになった。インドの文化から生まれたので少しだけでもその文化の中で住むのはヨガの気持ちが強くなる。MYSORE市でパッタビ ジョイスのシャラー(シャラーはヨガの道場です)で学びました。パッタビ ジョイスはアシュタンガヨガのマスター権威です。だから彼のシャラーには世界中のヨガインストラクター達が集まります。彼らといっぱい話して私のヨガの世界が広がりました。それからほかのヨガの面(アサナ(ポーズ)だけじゃなくて)意識をもっと深めて日常生活に組み入れました。そしたら自分の練習も深くなりました。
India is the birth place of yoga so to practice there makes things... a little more 'real'. Living and practicing in the culture that yoga arose from made me appreciate its roots more and my awareness of the importance of yoga became stronger. Pattabhi Jois, the authority on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, the living guru, is based in Mysore which is were I went to practice along with students from all over the world. It was great being able to talk to yoga teachers from all over the world, my yoga world did indeed expand and my view deepened. My awareness of the sides of yoga, other than asana, became much deeper, as I begin to incorporate them more and more into my daily life. Expanding your practice off the mat does indeed make your practice on the mat deeper.
My body did get more flexible and stronger, but that is not all.
パッタビ ジョイス (グルジ) の シャラーはすごく込んでいましたのでそれからまだ勉強になりました。気の流の意識がもっと大事になったし自分の集中力かなり強くなりました。でも一番よかったのはもちろんアシュタンガヨガの名人の指導のもとで勉強した。グルジにアジャストしてもっらてすごくパワーを感じました。そのエネルギの近くにいると畏敬の念をおぼえました。かれは60年間ヨガ教えてますよ!グルジの娘も孫(シャラート)もパワーフルでみんなやさしかった。シャラーで体がどんどんよっくなてできないアサナ(ポーズ)できるようになりました!
Pattabhi Jois' (Guruji) Shala was very crowded, and that turned out to be a good practice for me. Because of all the people around me I really had to concentrate on my own practice harder, and upon returning to Yamagata I realised how beneficial that had been to me, my power of concentration had definitely become stronger, as had my awareness of the flow of energy, and how important this really is in ones practice. But the best thing was to be able to practice under the master of ashtanga yoga. Being adjusted by Guruji, I really became aware of his strong energy and power. Being so close to such energy was inspiring, amazing! That a man of 92 would have such a presence! Guruji's daughter and grandson also had that strong energy and kindess...it really was wonderful to be there. As I practiced in their Shala, my body gradually changed, healed and I was able to do asana I hadn't been able to before. Especially since my run in with a couple of cars on my bike!!
On top of that, not teaching for a month reminded me of how it felt to be a student again. On the day of my first full led class, I thought 'Yep, at the back in the corner, that'll be good' which was unusual as I would usually choose the front......but Sharath (Guruji's grandson) called, hey you! with the glasses, come here... and put me right at the front, right under his feet, that was a tough class! For the first 3 days, Sharath continued to pick me out and push me, I began to wonder why, had I done something wrong....but I realised that it was good for me, he must have felt I needed a big shove!
To practice in india, with the distinct smells and sounds of india, the incense and chants in the early morning air was a truely wonderful experience and made me want to continue my practice even more than ever. I can't wait to return someday...
25 February 2007
05 February 2007
Opening Mantra
Vande Gurunam charanaravinde
Sandarshita svatma sukavabodhe
Nishreyase jangalikayamane
Samsara halahala mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaram
Shankhacakrasi dharinam
Sahasra sirasam svetam
Pranamami patanjalim
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